
Specialists Support Services

EMERGING GROUP provide specialist support services in multi - disciplines i.e. technical and commercial professionals at all levels, for both short term as well as long term contracts under our management and payroll..

Increasingly, companies are running their core business with smaller staffing levels whilst expanding their operating horizons to new markets around the world. In many instances, this has created a need for access to additional skills at a time when there is a scarcity of suitably experienced specialists.

  • Master Data of specialists over 180 who have been with EMERGING since 2002 . Data of each individual is updated, for professional enhancement courses achieved in the interim, projects worked, current location and other vital data.
  • Data pool at each office of EMERGING within India and abroad…updated periodically
  • Data sourced thru’ various professional portals, and vetted prior proposal
  • Referrals
  • EMERGING deploys different sourcing methods to identify qualified and experienced professionals viz. computerized Data base, on-line registration, registration thru’ different associations like Engineering, print-media and electronic media.

EMERGING GROUP, thus eliminating your burden of increasing the staff strength on projects.EMERGING GROUP provides workforce for complete lifecycle services, from construction - commissioning - Operations and Maintenance.Our Technical Services provide Project Managers, Engineers, Technicians, Plant Maintenance Personnel, and other skills for hard facility management activities. Our expertise in resourcing, coupled with our wide network offices, active databanks and global operations help us locate and place the requisite professional at short notice.